Learn More About Priceless Parenting

Get the Support You Need to do Your Best Parenting

Priceless Parenting - helping you raise kids who blossom

There are many pieces to parenting including keeping your kids safe, setting boundaries and providing guidance. It's not easy! Priceless Parenting gives you the tools to do your best parenting. You'll find award-winning parenting classes, over 100 free parenting articles, parenting books, and other resources to help you thrive.

Do you want to create a warm, loving home where your children can blossom? Many parents have that vision yet their daily reality is arguing, reminding and yelling. If you’re struggling to get your kids to behave better without drama, you’ve come to the right place!

Parents proudly report replacing yelling and threatening with calm, confident parenting. Kimberly Sacry from Bozeman, MT affirmed "It is truly a miracle how changing the way you talk to your children can make such a difference. Both of my kids, 2 years and 4 years, are so much more willing to do what I ask them to do."

Parenting expert Kathy Slattengren, M. Ed., has helped thousands of parents and teachers from across the United States to Australia. Priceless Parenting offers online classes, presentations, coaching and books.  The approach to raising caring, responsible kids is based on a combination of research and what works well for families .

Changing Your Parenting Dance Step

Do you want to enjoy your amazing children but instead find yourself dealing with endless irritating behavior? Parenting is a lot like dancing – when you change your lead, your children’s behavior will follow.

Priceless Parenting can help you make changes like turning …

  • tantrums into emotional regulation
  • not listening into cooperation
  • arguments into conversations
  • power struggles into mutual agreements
  • disrespect into civil behavior
  • procrastinating into taking initiative
  • being taken for granted into being appreciated
You are the most influential person in your child's life. Even when you don't think they are watching, they're watching. Even when you don't think they're listening, they're listening. When you learn how to use the power you have to positively influence your children, your life will be much easier!

Adjusting the Training Wheels so Eventually Your Children Can Ride Away

Whether you have young children who need securely fastened training wheels or have older children who are ready to ride on their own, one thing is certain. You will learn how to achieve the right balance with Kathy’s kid-tested and research-proven advice. Best of all, you will raise children with confidence and ease so you can spend more time celebrating and less time disciplining.

Kathy doesn’t just dole out this advice. She walks her own talk. She’s raised her two children using these ideas and has been delighted with the fantastic young adults they’ve become. Her proudest parenting moment was when each of her children were selected to represent their school’s 6th grade class for the Humanitarian Award.

When they presented her son with the award they said "Blake's sense of right and wrong sets high standards for others to follow. His compassion for all and ability to know when someone needs a helping hand makes him a strong leader. He never waits to be asked to assist anyone in need. He jumps right in and takes charge. You'll never hear an unkind word from Blake." Kathy's emphasis on being kind and caring to others is reflected in her children and her parenting classes.

Changing Your Family for the Better

One mom told Kathy that her parenting advice saved her life. She thought she was a bad mom with a rotten 3-year-old and a screaming baby. Instead she learned that she was a normal, exhausted mom dealing with typical 3-year-old behavior plus a newborn.

Another mom profusely thanked Kathy for her classes saying it saved her marriage. She and her husband had been seriously fighting over how to handle their son's behavior. Between Kathy's coaching and the classes, they were able to develop a team approach to parenting their son.

Kathy helps family relationships improve. When relationships within families are going better, children’s behavior also improves. Her Masters of Education degree from the University of Washington combined with her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Computer Science from the University of Minnesota has enabled her to pull together parenting research into classes that are easy to understand and apply.

Ready to start? Here’s how!

Priceless Parenting offers you many different solutions: These Frequently Asked Questions may help answer some of your questions. If you’d like to discuss what would be best for you, please call 425-770-1629 or email us.

Kathy Slattengren's Short Bio

Kathy Slattengren
   Kathy Slattengren, M.Ed.

Kathy Slattengren, M. Ed., has helped thousands of parents and teachers from across the United States to Australia through Priceless Parenting. Priceless Parenting offers online classes, presentations, coaching and books.  Participants proudly report their success in replacing yelling and threatening with calm, confident responses.  When children’s behavior is really pushing your buttons, you'll discover ways to set effective limits, invite cooperation and have a lot more fun together!

media that has featured Priceless Parenting

Company Mission

Priceless Parenting was founded in 2007 by Kathy Slattengren based on her passion for sharing positive parenting ideas – ideas that have the power to change families for the better. These ideas worked for her family, thousands of other families and can work for you too!

Kathy describes the company this way: "Priceless Parenting is built around my passion to help families thrive. My mission is to teach parents to raise children who blossom. My vision is a world where all children are treated with dignity and respect especially when they are acting out. Children are helped to learn from their mistakes by making amends. Children are in loving families where they feel safe, secure and welcome. Children do not run away from home because home is a wonderful place to be. Children are not removed from homes because parents get the support they need."


Member of National Parenting Education Network

Member of US Alliance to End the Hitting of Children

Member of International Society for Technology in Education

Founding member of Parent Learning Link

WikiHow co-author

Contact Us

11107 NE 174th Street
Bothell, WA 98011-3273
Phone: 425-770-1629
Email: Priceless Parenting