Priceless Parenting Class Lessons for Ages 0 to 5

Use the links on this page to access each lesson. When you've completed all the lessons, click the Final link below Lesson 11.

Raising Your Children
Understanding which parenting approaches work best with young children. Building the family life you want - integrating what worked well in how your parents raised you and changing the things you didn't like. Dealing with the stress children put on your marriage or partnership.

Meeting Your Children’s Needs
The developmental milestones your child should be achieving from 3 months to 5-years-old. What to do if you think your child has a developmental delay. Handling babies' crying. Screen time recommendations for young children.

Learning From Experience
Figuring out how to effectively set limits when your child misbehaves. Helping your children learn to share. Teaching your children basic manners. Dealing with common struggles from children being slow in getting ready in the morning to kids begging for things at the store.

Handling Inappropriate Behavior
Protecting your children from serious mistakes. Responding to your children's misbehavior with empathy instead of anger. Understanding the difference between punishment and discipline. Allowing children to make mistakes in safe situations.

Controlling Your Reaction
Understanding what's going on in your children's brains when they are throwing a tantrum. Helping your child calm down and learn emotional regulation. Wording requests to your children positively rather than negatively.

Guiding Their Behavior
Using choices to guide your children's behavior. Determining what control to give your young children. Helping your children begin to make their own decisions. Setting expectations with your children.

Protecting Your Children
Protecting your kids from common hazardous situations. Following safe sleeping guidelines. Teaching your kids about appropriate touch and guarding them from sexual abuse. Questions you may want to ask potential babysitters.

Avoiding Power Struggles
Finding ways to more calmly respond to misbehavior without resorting to yelling and hitting. Learning how to avoid arguments with your children. Handling situations where your child is lying.

Choosing Consequences
Finding reasonable, valuable consequences for my children's misbehavior. Using consequences that help your children learn from their mistakes. Allowing natural consequences to occur whenever safe. Responding to chronic behavior problems.

Doing Chores
Starting chores with young children and finding appropriate ones that they can handle. Understanding the difference between chores and personal tasks. Beginning an allowance.

Parenting Your Best
Paying attention to your children's good behavior. Recovering from situations where you haven't parented your best. Sharing the parenting role. Having more fun and less stress with your children.

Feedback and Request a Certificate of Completion
Provide your feedback on the class, answer a few questions and then receive your Certificate of Completion.